Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Not Forgotten!

Hello everyone,

No fear, we haven't forgotten our fans (those of you out there). It's been a busy few weeks with little movement on the CB front. Unfortunately funds are low, so supplies are limited.

However, Crow finally sat down and created more Clay Critters! She's working hard to replace the "old style" Critters with the newer clay. I'd also like to introduce two new additions to our collection - Crow and Cabbit! (Yes, a Cabbit). You'll be able to see them in the store in about an hour, which is approximately the time that it will take me to insert their photos.

In other news, we're also eliminating our "Garage Sales" section, at least for now. Perhaps when we have more site visitors we'll re-introduce it. If you saw something on the section that you were intending on buying and would like to reserve it, please feel free to email us within the next week or so. Otherwise, everything will be donated to a worthy cause or sold at our local bookstore/music store.

Exciting new feature coming soon - the Gallery! Images of knobling commissions and already-sold wind chimes will be put on display. These are for reference and admiration only. For although I will be able to make similar knoblings and wind chimes, none of them are exactly the same, and of course knoblings are still limited edition pieces.

That's it for now. I'm off to update the website!