Monday, September 9, 2013

New News!

Coyote's Blessings is going to make our first official public festival appearance! We are registered for the Luna Park Chalk Art Festival, in San Jose (CA). This great festival is unlike most other "Art and Wine" festivals as it is sponsored by an art foundation (usually they are sponsored by cities). The proceeds from the registration fee go to the Luna Park Arts Foundation.

"The mission of the Luna Park Arts Foundation is to promote and highlight the importance of the arts in our community by supporting arts programs in local schools and youth organizations and creating opportunities to develop the talents of local artists."

The festival will be on Saturday the 21st of this month so we only have a few weeks to prepare. If you are in the area, come and stop by our booth! If you're not in the area, send good vibes. Of course Crow and I are nervous to say the least - as it is like finally getting into the deep end of the pool. The next two weeks will be awash of madness as we gather supplies, inventory, tables and umbrellas for the big event.

This Wednesday I *will* be updating the store too, to reflect new products and goods. Get them fast because we're hoping to sell out at the Luna Park Festival! 

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