Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Luna Park Chalk Festival / FabMo

3 weeks to go! We're working every day to create a plethora of exciting things to take to the festival. If you're in the San Jose area on 20 September, I hope you'll come by and see our booth. This year we have a wide selection of new items, including Luna Park exclusive gnomes and pot clingers. Pot clingers are creatures that grasp on to the edges of a flower/plant pot for some added decoration.

In addition this year we'll be participating in FabMo! It is a local gathering of crafters who sell their wares on 25 October, 2014. The FabMo organization gathers all the scraps of the high-end retailers, decorators and other places. These scraps, usually in the form of cloth but often tiles or other objects (like leather pieces!) are then sold or given away to artists eager to turn them into blankets, stuffed animals, card holders or whatever-they-want. Six years running now the FabMo Textile Art Boutique (or FabTab) gathers all the artisans who have benefited from FabMo's findings, to sell the wares they have created from these donations. The only requirement is that at least 30% of the materials used must have been found at FabMo.

Coyote's Blessings will be there this year with never-before-seen items. They will be featured exclusively at the FabMo Boutique. We have already gathered some amazing glass pieces, leather and tiles. Crow has an idea for a stuffed alligator. It is our second vendor event and we're excited, as you can imagine.

And, of course, we are stocking up the store with the anticipated holiday madness (the busiest time of year!). Be sure to order your cornucopias early and miss the rush.

Stay tuned for up-coming photos of our products and the introduction of a new butterfly style!

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