Friday, January 17, 2014

Welcome to 2014!

A good friend of mine said "Let this new year be yours!" We should take that message to heart and embrace the freshness of 2014 with all the wonder and curiosity of a child. Onward to the fascinating! Allow the mundane to be just as interesting as the unusual. Consider the snowflake or the leaf, view the butterflies and robins with new respect. Imagine the life you wish to lead, and lead it.

Though spring is still a few months away, the mention of butterflies is an excellent way to introduce our two newest Clay Critters. Please welcome Mable the Monarch and Ophelia the Owl. Mable is based on a female monarch butterfly.

Ophelia is designed using models from our local burrowing owl residents. Though Crow considered Owlowiscious; however his name is likely copywritten by Hasbro.

Another butterfly - based on the Red Lace Wing - is coming soon! Anyone have suggestions for a name?

Other new items in our store include a card holder, two snats, Sylvan the sea turtle updated, two new painted pots to add more variety to your garden and several more caterpillars. We have so many varieties of caterpillars it is hard to show them all in the inventory. I think I might start a caterpillar database to show case the ones we currently have!

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