Tuesday, October 28, 2014

We Live!

Just in time for Halloween we rise from the dead (metaphorically, speaking, honest). With 3 weeks to go for Luna Park and we left you hanging! What happened at Luna Park? How was the FabMo event? What's going on for the holidays? New products? New triumphs?

All is finally revealed.

A computer virus caught us off guard. It went straight through our apparently meager protection and the consequent pop up ads drown me every time I attempted to update a site or so much as log on to the internet to check my email. While Andromeda (my laptop) kept me apprised of in-coming messages and orders, our pictures are stored on the tower computer, CASS. Fortunately Crow swooped in to save us and after four days of wrestling with the Ad Monsters, she secured clear surfing and gave CASS a clean bill of health.

Luna Park Chalk Festival was fantastic. We were in a different position in the park, surrounded on all sides by vendors too. A wonderful array of customers came to visit us. Despite having a few hitches with our display (both tables broke!), this year was just as marvelous as last year. Pictures and a more thorough entry forth-coming in an up-coming post.

FabMo was interesting. The event was inside, held at the Elks' Lodge in Palo Alto. The majority of the vendors were selling fabric goods such as pillows, quilts and small tapestries / wall hangings. Due to the restrictions placed on what the vendors can sell there, none of our products featured on the site were on our table! Crow tried her hand at stuffed animal creation and Mr. Snuffles the Alligator was born. I'll write up more on this event too, though we only have limited pictures (forgot my camera in the mad dash out the door the morning of).